Here I collect links I stumble upon during my web-surfing time. I don’t believe they anyhow unique, valuable or anything. I just don’t want to pile them up within my note-taking system. If there’s nowhere to put that link, it ends up here.


This project is a pile of rubbish, in some form. It’s a waste of my time and energy, but since I’ve learned how to automate stuff, it takes me seconds to add a link here. And it spares my mind from keeping it somewhere on the background. I don’t like to keep many tabs open, and I don’t want to save most links. But sometimes, there are links I may find interesting. I’ll try to not save straight rubbish, so you may follow this. If you like. Although, you’ve been warned, I treat it like some rubbish.

By no mean I want to say what is here is rubbish, I won’t save it then. It’s not difficult to find it again, if you know (or remember) what you’re looking for. For me, that’s some browser history thing with additional meta-information. Those are the links I don’t mind to have publically exposed and they contain no sensitive information. Additionally, as a side-effect, I may promote something that could possibly be interesting.

I may gave up on this project at any time. And I may remove it altogether at any moment. I’ll see how it goes. Right now, it’s something I’m interested in doing, as a part of my experimental web development sessions.